TEAMS - Common Terms
A comprehensive list of TEAMS terms to help navigating this environment. Click here.
TEAMS - Working with Channels
A guide to help understand channels and howto use them. Find the guide here.
TEAMS - STREAMS Tips and Tricks for TEAMS Available Now
A collection of How To videos by our district for using TEAMS. Find the link here.
An Innovation Hub
Welcome to DWP Library Multimedia Books
Audiobook Collection
Amazon Audible
Many free books to choose from. Downloading the app sets you up to pay later. Ask the DWP Librarian for specific books. Find their link here.
Non-fiction and fiction titles are available here. If you having trouble finding the book, click free preview. Find their link here.
Shakespeare audio books free to use. Specifically the seven plays Folger recreated in audio version. Find their link here.
Ebook Collection
Big Timber Media
Big Timber Media is offering a host of free Ebooks. Books are listed in Subject categories. Find them here.
Teen BookCloud
Teen BookCloud offers free graphic novels, videos, AP English resources and more. Find them here.
Username: DWP
Password: login
Britannica School
Encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources. Find their link here.
Username: bcschools
Password: online