TEAMS - Common Terms
A comprehensive list of TEAMS terms to help navigating this environment. Click here.

TEAMS - Working with Channels
A guide to help understand channels and howto use them. Find the guide here.

TEAMS - STREAMS Tips and Tricks for TEAMS Available Now
A collection of How To videos by our district for using TEAMS. Find the link here.

An Innovation Hub

Welcome to The Rivers of Hope Project
The students and teachers at Poppy came together creating the Rivers of Hope Project commemorating the Truth and Reconciliation Movement. Our goal is to create a legacy set of a conference and high tables that demonstrate our action as a school towards healing. The students designed rocks showing their individual messages of hope as a positive step forward with a new generation.
Our hope with this project is to show future student generations the dedication of our community through the long-term process of reconciliation - starting with our youth, our "generation of hope".